Prayer Points Devotional #1

Psalm 62:8 – “Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.”
Many times when we get discouraged and feelings of defeat enter our mind, I believe we sometimes feel that we cannot get back up. Our emotions seem to pin us down and hope for the future looks bleak. So many times in my Christian life that experience has hit me, and I believe every Christian battles with it. One of Satan’s most common attacks against God’s people is discouragement. Satan is quick to point out things that seem to be working against us, or at least appear that way. He’ll accuse us of our shortcomings and as a result, we sometimes find ourselves believing him to the point we disbelieve God! Its not that we want to feel this way, but we can’t seem to help it at times.
This verse has been a refuge verse for me over the years when I find myself faced with these types of spiritual attacks. The Bible says to first off, “trust in him at all times.” All times, means all times. Even when life seems upside down, even when nothing seems to be working out, even when pressing forward seems vain, we are still called to trust Him. But what’s even better is the verse goes on to tell us, “pour out your heart before him.” We can literally pour out our feelings to the Lord, we can be very honest with Him regarding our distress, God desires to hear it! Sometimes we will tell close friends our burdens, which is fine, but God is our closest friend who sticks closer then a brother! He promises, according to the end of the verse, to be a refuge, a place of safety, a place of security, a place of comfort. The Bible tells us in Philippians 4:7, “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” When we humbly tell God the struggles of our hearts, His grace will begin to creep into our hearts and bear the load for us. Jesus said in Matthew 11:28, “Come unto me, all ye that are labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Let me encourage you today to find rest in the presence of God. Life is full of burdens, let downs, and discouragements at times, but we can always find rest in our God who will sustain us through them in order to strengthen us for great opportunities to glorify Him!

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